On Friday 24th January the hall at Élaios High School was transformed into an Australian beach to commemorate Australia Day, which is celebrated on 26th January in Australia. Our Aussie assistant this year joined the celebrations and students had some photos taken on «our Aussie beach» and they chose their favourite background thanks to the use of Chroma. Moreover, we could all enjoy some typical Australian music like «Waltzing Matilda». It was an awesome experience that allowed the students to know a little bit more about Australia, our assistant’s country.

Our Australian assistant wishes you a Happy Australia Day


The door of the English Dept. on Thanksgiving Day

Students of English have been learning more about the celebration of Thanksgiving Day in the USA, every fourth Thursday in November. In the first year pupils have been shown the different traditions to celebrate it, whereas in the second year students have looked into the history behind this important date.

25 de noviembre: Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer.

La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas asumió el 25 de noviembre como Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la mujer.

Su origen remonta a 1960, fecha en que fueron asesinadas las tres hermanas Mirabal, que luchaban por sus derechos en la República Dominicana. Se convirtieron desde entonces en un símbolo para erradicar esta plaga que supone la violencia contra la mujer.

Hemos celebrado este día con actividades de sensibilización, haciendo carteles y colocando palabras clave en francés, inglés y español.

L’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) a fait du 25 novembre la Journée Internationale pour l’Élimination de la Violence contre les Femmes.

Son origine remonte à 1960, lorsqu’en République Dominicaine les sœurs Mirabal furent assassinées parce qu’elles militaient pour leurs droits.

Elles sont devenues alors les symboles du combat pour éradiquer ce fléau qu’est la violence à l’égard des femmes.

Nous avons célébré cette journée de sensibilisation avec des affiches imprimées de slogans et des mots-clés en français, anglais et espagnol.

The United Nations (UN) declared 25th November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Its origins date back from 1960, when the Mirabal sisters were murdered while they were fighting for their rights in the Dominican Republic. As a consequence, they became the symbol to root out the scourge of the violence against women.

We have commemorated this day with awareness exercises, posters with slogans and key words in English, French and Spanish.