On 26th September it is the day of Languages. That day in class we celebrated it like this: we watched a video of people from other countries explaining why they liked their language; we also listened to “Let It Go” in different languages. We did a quiz of guessing which country it was by its flag. I think it was a great day. (Sara C., 1º Bil. ESO C)
Last 26th September, we celebrated the European Day of Languages! In English class we wrote the names of the British Isles on the UK map; each one of us said how we thought people from different countries were called and we told the entire class why we liked the English language. It was fun! It could have been a bit better thought, but it was fine! (Sara B., 1º Bil. ESO C)
We celebrate the European Day of Languages on 26th September. We did a table about the countries, the capital city, nationalities and language. We did a Power Point about nationalities from the people of the country, then we listened to the song of Frozen in twenty-one languages. I like this day because I like languages. (Aday G., 1º Bil. ESO C)
On 26th September the European Day of Languages is celebrated. In class we have been talking about the different languages of Europe, we have been doing written and oral activities, we have seen videos and listening to audios about different languages. In my opinion, the best part has been speaking in class in different languages we knew: Romanian, French, German, Portuguese, Russian… (Andrea S., 2º Bil. ESO C)
The European Day of Languages is celebrated because it’s a form of sharing new languages and facts or inspiration. In class we also celebrated it, we talked different languages and did some games about countries and their flags. I think it’s good to celebrate this day because this way we learn about other European countries and they can learn about our country. I also think it’s good to celebrate that there are many languages to celebrate variety. (Iris S., 2º Bil. ESO C)
The European Day of Languages is celebrated on 26th September. It is a means of promoting awareness among the general public of the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage. At school we did lots of different activities and games. First of all, we did different photocopies about countries, nationalities and the official languages of each country. Then we did games on the computer: we had a flag and we had to discover which country it was. I really had fun and I also learnt lots of new things. I love the European Day of Languages! (Carla C., 2º Bil. ESO C)
La journée européenne des langues met en avant:
1.La riche diversité linguistique de l’Europe qui doit être maintenue et encouragée,
2.La nécessité de diversifier la gamme de langues apprises qui se traduit en plurilinguisme.
3. L’importance de développer les compétences en langues vivantes pour une pleine participation à la citoyenneté démocratique en Europe.
4. La diversité linguistique comme une voie vers une meilleure compréhension interculturelle.
À l’occasion de la Journée Européenne des Langues dans le cours de français de 1º ESO Bilingue on a organisé des activités en classe (un texte, des affiches individuelles, un questionnnaire, une interro orale) pour sensibiliser les élèves à la richesse de la diversité linguistique et promouvoir l’étude des langues.