Blog de idiomas del IES Elaios
1er prix: EVA FRAC 1º ESO BIL A
2ème prix: PAULA GARCÍA 1º ESO C
3ème prix: LAURA GÓMEZ 1º ESO BIL A
If you want to have a look at some of the best moments during the last weeks, click on the following image to watch the video the English BRIT teachers have prepared with their students’ work. English is fun, fun, fun! Hope you enjoy it! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!!
On arrive a la fin du trimestre. Dans le département de français nous avons organisé quelques activités. Tous les groupes de 1ºESO (BIL / pas BIL) vont participer à notre concours LE COUP DE CLOCHE: ON DÉMARRE!! Ils vont décorer des cloches avec les mots symbole de Noël. Ils ont jusqu’au mardi 15 décembre pour présenter leurs cloches. Bonne chance à tous!
Les groupes de 1º et 2º ESO BILINGUE ont préparé une chanson «L’HYMNE DE LA VIE» de UNITED KIDS, une déclaration pleine d’espoir à notre planète.
All along this first term, 1st ESO students of English have been working on an oral presentation about their high school. Then several students have volunteered to take part in the filming of a video presenting Élaios High School to students at Primary School near Élaios. Thanks to all the students, but especially to the wonderful volunteers (they have made this possible!): Nora A., Claudia B., Sara B., Pablo Ca., Pablo Ce., Adrián D., Paula G., Esther G., Diego J., Marco M., Elsa R., Mario V. y Hugo V. Click on the picture below to have a look at their cool presentation!!
You can also test your listening skills playing the easy KAHOOT game based on the video (clicking on the image below). You will need the computer and a mobile phone with Internet to access kahoot.it and then type the code of the game. Write your name or nickname and try the classic mode. Remember to make your choice on the mobile phone. GOOD LUCK!!