Last 6th April teachers organised a visit in English to EMOZ (Educational Museum of Origami in Zaragoza) with 1st ESO students. There the students had the opportunity to visit the exhibition and also to show their skills in origami in a workshop. If you want to see some photos of the visit, click on the image below to watch a video:
Autor: BRIT
VISIT TO «LA ALJAFERÍA» with 2nd ESO A and 2nd ESO C/D
Non-bilingual students of English of 2nd ESO A and 2nd ESO C/D visited «La Aljafería» Palace last 6th April with their English and Technology teachers. Here you can see some photos of this wonderful opportunity to learn more about History, Art and of course, English!!


On Friday 1st April BRIT 2nd ESO students went to visit the Aljafería Palace with their Art and English teachers. The visit is part of the activities for the celebrarion of Book Day, in April, devoted to the reading of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Once there the students gathered in teams and they had to solve some riddles in order to get their diplomas from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They were all very successful! WELL-DONE!

WOMEN IN SCIENCE: «Students’ Portraits round the World»

On 11th February students of English at Élaios participated in a lot of activities related to the «International Day of Women and Girls in Science«: they worked on several videos and then they took part in a gymkhana organised by the English BRIT programme: they learned a lot about female scientists in the world, they tested their ability with puzzles and finally they could create their own artistic version of some female scientists. The students’ involvement in all the activities proves that these women are not forgotten any more. THANKS TO EVERYONE! If you want to watch the activities the students took part in, click on the following image:
English BRIT students in 2nd ESO have prepared five original interactive games so that the students of Primary School (CEIP Cortes de Aragón) and the other students at Élaios can test their knowledge on female scientists. If you dare, try these 5 RIDDLES in the following links (GOOD LUCK!):

English BRIT students in 2nd ESO have been working on five female scientists in the subjects of Chemistry, Art and English, which are the subjects they’re taking in English this year. In the English subject the students have made their scientists speak thanks to the good use of technological devices and apps. Their brilliant work is shown in the following padlet. Congratulations to the students! Can you guess who these female scientists are?
Natural Disasters
Last December the students in third ESO finished a collaborative project between the subjects of English Language (with teachers Marta E. and Leonor B.) and ICT (with teacher Jorge O.). The project was called «NATURAL DISASTERS and PANDEMICS along History». Have a look at some of their wonderful interactive slides!

Como ya viene siendo habitual desde el curso 2017/2018, los alumnos de francés de 4ªESO, 1º y 2ºBachiller, tienen la posibilidad de presentarse a las pruebas DELF SCOLAIRE.
Esta semana las profesoras de francés repartirán a los alumnos interesados una ficha de inscripción y una carta informativa para las familias con todo el sistema de matrícula, pago de tasas y fechas de exámenes.
De cualquier manera os recordamos:
PRUEBAS ESCRITAS: DELF B1: miércoles 27 de abril, de 17h00 a 18h55. DELF B2: jueves 28 de abril, de 17h00 a 19h30.
PRUEBAS ORALES INDIVIDUALES: se realizarán entre los días 19 de abril y 18 de mayo. Los examinadores acudirán al centro y los alumnos serán convocados por la mañana, interrumpiendo mínimamente su horario normal de clase.
El 28 de junio se publicarán los resultados de los exámenes.
The last week of the first term the students of English have been working on their personal New Year’s Resolutions and also on resolutions related to the topics of Health, Ecology, Creativity, Foreign Languages, a Good Use of Technology and Getting Fit. Apart from that, there’s been Spelling Bee Contests and also diplomas for the students who talk in English most! You can see a video of the activities clicking on the following picture. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!