Firstly we started watching a video that was about violence against women. The video was very short but so interesting. Then we were speaking about what the video meant. After that we wrote a word on a card. Finally we were speaking about all the things that the women were suffering. I think that this has to stop soon. (Jaime P., 2º B ESO)
On Wednesday 25th November we watched a video about gender violence because that day was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The video was about two motorbikes: two boys on one motorbike and two girls on the other one. The boys were making fun of them. Then they had an accident and the girls stopped to help them. The boys regretted making fun of them. It seems to me that there are many people who believe that they are superior to others because of their gender but it shouldn’t be that way. (Jorge G., 2º B ESO)
On November 25th we saw a video in class that was about respecting women. Two boys went on a motorbike on the road and they wanted to get attention from two women who were also on a motorbike. So the men fell down and the women helped them. I think that everybody has the same rights to be respected. (Leire E., 2º B ESO)