Élaios Olympic Games were held from 6th to 10th May. During the olympic week students had to face different sports events and they also had to find the answers to the English trivia based on the exhibition of infographics on and about the Olympic Games. These activities were designed and organised by the P.E. Department together with the collaboration of the English Dep.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners, who received their prize at the closing ceremony last 17th May. Special THANKS go to all the teachers involved and to the students who took part actively. 

If you want to watch a video of the activities, please, click on the picture below:



Last April the Department of Lengua, Zona Joven and the Department of English organised a workshop on bookmarks with famous sentences taken out from El Quijote and from Shakespeare‘s work. 

The students could also borrow some books from the school library which were on display at break time.