1st and 2nd ESO students have taken part in the first Epitaph Contest that the Department of English has organised for Halloween. It has been very tough to decide the winner but finally, the name is: CELIA MOLPECERES (2nd C), with her epitaph on Clara Campoamor. There have been two students who have attained the second and third positions, whose names are: JAIME PERTUSA (1st E), with his epitaph on Paco Martínez Soria, and LIZER RUBIO (2nd B), with his epitaph on Sor Juana de la Cruz. CONGRATULATIONS to ALL the students and the teachers involved! Their work is astonishing.
Apart from the Epitaph Contest, Chuan and Paz, from Zona Joven Élaios, have offered two interesting and popular activities at breaktime: «II Festival de Cortometrajes de Terror» and «Escape Room: Adivina qué ha pasado».
Here below you can see some photos and you can have a peek at the ACTUR cemetery, CLICKING on the tombstone: