Blog de idiomas del IES Elaios
The 2nd ESO students built a Periodic Table during the first term. They looked for information about an element, built a cube of cardboard to show it and assembled the table on the wall in front of the library. The cube colour (purple, light green, dark green or orange) depends on the element category (metal, semimetal, non-metal or noble gas), and the colour of the letters (black, red or blue) on the state of the element (solid, liquid or gas). Each cube face shows the information (properties, sources, applications…) about the element. The BRIT students wrote that information in English.
Dans notre projet BRIT français du lycée «LA FRANCE À MOI «, Les élèves de 3ème ESO ont travaillé à propos des monuments de la France.
First ESO students took part in a gymkhana to celebrate Book Day this year. They were in teams and they had to go through 4 different tests dealing with this day. They learnt a lot about the biographies of famous writers. Well-done to everyone!!! Click on the image below to watch a video about the activities:
Como ya viene siendo habitual en nuestro centro, los alumnos de francés de 4º ESO han participado este año en este programa.
El programa Cruzando Fronteras es una acción de cooperación educativa conjunta del Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de Aragón y las Academias de Burdeos, Poitiers y Toulouse.
Fueron seleccionadas 4 alumnas que realizaron su intercambio con 4 alumnas francesas de la Academia de Toulouse. Del 10 de enero al 18 de febrero, Andrea, Alba, Ariadna y Sandra estuvieron conviviendo con sus respectivas «correspondantes» francesas y el alumnado francés realizó su estancia en nuestro centro del 28 de febrero al 8 de abril.
Antes de volver a Francia, Léa, Anna, Andréa y Daniela nos dejaron sus opiniones sobre esta experiencia.
«…avoir la chance de participer à un échange c’est incroyable, un mois et demi fait mûrir l’adolescent par la culture, le différent mode de vie, différentes habitudes. On sort tous de cet échange avec plus de connaissances, non seulement sur la langue comme sur le pays et la vie en général…»
«…En classe, les élèves et les professeurs ont été très gentils et très sympathiques et les familles, aussi…»
This year the celebration of Book Day has been devoted to fantasy books, especially to the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, whose first movie (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone) was released in 2001, that is 20 years ago! The students have been looking for quotes about Harry Potter and other fantasy books, and they have written them on special paper broomsticks! THANKS a lot to ALL the students and teachers involved and also to Paz (from PIEE) for her great help and support with the workshop on bookmarks. If you want to have a peek at what they did, click on the image below to watch the video