The Department of English at Élaios High School has been working on the reading of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in order to celebrate Book Day this year. As a result, ESO students have recorded audios and filmed videos reading pages of J. K. Rowling’s first book of the «Harry Potter» series. This impressive work has been edited by their English teachers in a digital book, which you can read here below:
Mes: abril 2022
The long second term finished with the Spelling Bee contest in the BRIT groups and the Chatterbox Cards’ Awards for students of English. And for the first time after the pandemic the students went on a visit outside the school!!! Click on the picture below if you want to watch the video with the photos:
VISIT TO «EMOZ» with 1st ESO
Last 6th April teachers organised a visit in English to EMOZ (Educational Museum of Origami in Zaragoza) with 1st ESO students. There the students had the opportunity to visit the exhibition and also to show their skills in origami in a workshop. If you want to see some photos of the visit, click on the image below to watch a video:
VISIT TO «LA ALJAFERÍA» with 2nd ESO A and 2nd ESO C/D
Non-bilingual students of English of 2nd ESO A and 2nd ESO C/D visited «La Aljafería» Palace last 6th April with their English and Technology teachers. Here you can see some photos of this wonderful opportunity to learn more about History, Art and of course, English!!


On Friday 1st April BRIT 2nd ESO students went to visit the Aljafería Palace with their Art and English teachers. The visit is part of the activities for the celebrarion of Book Day, in April, devoted to the reading of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Once there the students gathered in teams and they had to solve some riddles in order to get their diplomas from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They were all very successful! WELL-DONE!