On 11th February students of English at Élaios participated in a lot of activities related to the «International Day of Women and Girls in Science«: they worked on several videos and then they took part in a gymkhana organised by the English BRIT programme: they learned a lot about female scientists in the world, they tested their ability with puzzles and finally they could create their own artistic version of some female scientists. The students’ involvement in all the activities proves that these women are not forgotten any more. THANKS TO EVERYONE! If you want to watch the activities the students took part in, click on the following image:
Mes: febrero 2022
English BRIT students in 2nd ESO have prepared five original interactive games so that the students of Primary School (CEIP Cortes de Aragón) and the other students at Élaios can test their knowledge on female scientists. If you dare, try these 5 RIDDLES in the following links (GOOD LUCK!):

English BRIT students in 2nd ESO have been working on five female scientists in the subjects of Chemistry, Art and English, which are the subjects they’re taking in English this year. In the English subject the students have made their scientists speak thanks to the good use of technological devices and apps. Their brilliant work is shown in the following padlet. Congratulations to the students! Can you guess who these female scientists are?